Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Preparing for Achievement

Are you preparing for a future that is beyond your dreams and beyond your imagination? Preparing for achievement is important at any time of your life. Many people will tell you that opportunity knocks only once and you must grab it when you can. Others will tell you that the world is filled with all kinds of problems and they manifest that reality to support that position, very sadly. May will tell you that there are few achievements available, far and in between. None of that is true in the real world. Opportunities come over and over again, continuously knocking until you do finally answer. There are achievements in abundance, ebullient levels of success that you can achieve, with multiples of achievements just waiting to happen.

Every possible and probable achievement is waiting for you. As you stand on the brink of personal achievement, the question becomes; are you ready to let in all the achievement that is waiting for you? Are you ready? Yes, you can learn to prepare for achievement.

Now, to prepare yourself for achievement, I would suggest that you constantly hold the resonance of optimism, strength, power and depth. Consciously develop your level of optimism. Consciously feel and build your strengths, activate them and augment them. Work with the power that you have discovered and develop your personal depth that is so vital and so critical!

Hold the resonance of optimism, not because things are going to be dire, not because things are going to be pessimistic; but because optimism has power, optimism has strength and optimism provides depth. Do not let down. Keep on holding the resonance of optimism. You can sit back and relax, but with the resonance of optimism around and about you. Don’t take it for granted that it’s all going to work, keep on holding the resonance of optimism.

Also hold the resonance of positive thought. You may also accompany the resonance of optimism with enthusiasm, but don’t confuse the two. Don’t assume that because you are enthusiastic you are also optimistic. A lot of people can be very pessimistic and have moments of enthusiasm. Just hold that sense of optimism.

Even though it may not work immediately or you can’t see the results right now, or the positive outcome is not positively apparent; it is nonetheless still there. Even though you may have short term problems and interfere, the knowing that it is all going to work, it is all going to positively and better than ever is what is essential. You can get moreinformation on how to prepare for achievement here.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020


You are cordially invited to the FREE 5-DAYCHALLENGE – Evening Ritual aimed at supporting your most miraculous transformation

As we are slowly emerging from unplanned lock down due to the Covid-19 pandemic, you have an opportunity to start all over and redesign your reality according to your desires and preferences.

When we are serious about personal growth, we sometimes need to commit to some form of routine, whether it be a short-term kick-start jolt or a long-term part of our lifestyles. Most people find it hard to work on improving themselves on their own, without something specific to focus on.

It is for this reason that I developed this FREE 5-Day Challenge to give you a boost you might need to do some self-care work.

The first step I recommend is start with a meaningful daily ritual. Although you will not completely transform your life in 5 days, this FREE 5-Day Challenge will tune you into the frequency that is required to start your journey of self-care and transformation.

Please click here to sign up for this FREE 5-Day Challenge.


This practice, which must be done daily just before you retire to bed addresses the following elements, GRATITUDE, ACCOMPLISHMENT, and EXPECTANCY.


“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Gratitude makes you appreciate the value of something, and when you appreciate the value of something, you extract more benefits from it and you’re less likely to take it for granted. Gratitude allows you to be part of life, as opposed to watching your life pass away. You notice the positives more, and that magnifies the pleasures you get from life. Instead of adapting to goodness, we celebrate goodness.

Expressing gratitude in a ritual focuses your attention on developing more grateful thinking and on eliminating ungrateful thoughts. It helps guard against taking things for granted; instead, you will see gifts in life as new and exciting.

The benefits of gratitude, according to research (The effects of gratitude expression on neural activity - Prathik Kini, Joel Wong, Sydney McInnis, Nicole Gabana, Joshua W. Brown Indiana University, Bloomington, United States) are:

1.      Gratitude disconnects us from toxic, negative emotions and the ruminating that often accompanies them. Doing this daily ritual “shifts our attention” so that our focus is on positive emotions.

2.      Expressing gratitude helps us even if we don’t explicitly share it with someone. We’re happier and more satisfied with life because we completed the exercise.

3.      The positive effects of gratitude writing compound like interest. You might not notice the benefit of a daily or weekly practice, but after several weeks and months, you will.

4.      A gratitude practice trains the brain to be more in tune with experiencing gratitude — a positive plus a positive, equal more positives.


When you acknowledge your accomplishments, it serves to enhance your trust and your confidence in yourself and your abilities. The more you trust, the more you will accomplish, for you have no limitations. There is no purpose behind not having faith in yourself.

If you are concerning yourself with what you hypothetically have not yet accomplished, or if you are concentrating your attention upon what you are not doing or not generating, you hinder yourself and you also generate restrictions with yourself.

Offering yourself evidence of accomplishment and noticing it reinforces trust of yourself quite strongly. When you accomplish quite frequently and offer yourself evidence of your accomplishments, you are reinforcing your trust of yourself. This allows you much greater freedom in your movement and what you create.


The last element is expectancy. You must have the expectation to bring anything that you desire and imagine into your reality. Expect that that spark of consciousness that you are can create the reality that you desire. Understand that if you want to achieve it then you must have the expectation. And you can definitely create or alter the reality that you desire. It’s your reality. It’s your creation. You cannot fail to come to that understanding.

We all have desires. It may be a desire that you don’t wish to acknowledge, but nonetheless, it’s there. Through that desire you use your imagination to create the reality. It is the expectation that becomes difficult.

Right or wrong, good or bad, positive or negative, is a human consciousness concept that does not exist at the level from which you create your reality. That spark of consciousness that you are validates your belief systems without exception, gives to you that which you desire, based upon your expectations. If your expectations are such that you don’t think you’re going to achieve what it is that you’re attempting to create, that you don’t expect that this method or technique that you’ve chosen will work, then the spark of consciousness that you are creates that reality.  It does so with the same effort that it would take to create any other reality that you might think you desire.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Cookies of the Universe - The Revelation

#CookiesoftheUniverse. The relationship between how websites use cookies to serve you adverts and how the universe uses your attention to serve you...

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

How can I stop shutting down and start to be happy?

Shutdownness - state of being shut down
When life gets overwhelming and seems to not be letting up, sometimes we start to emotionally and physically shut down. The world just becomes too much; we get exhausted, sore, irritable, all we want to do is go somewhere quiet and be alone. We shut down. You now possess shutdownness.
When you are entrenched in victimhood, feeling the pain of suffering, the ups and down of life; where you can’t help but take things personally, when it feels as if life is happening to you instead of unfolding through you and for you. You end up shutting down emotionally and energetically. Shutdownness is when you are having feelings of anger, judgement, resentment, trying to control reality, where the only pleasure you know is through the avoidance of pain. We are always trying to distance ourselves from the feeling of pain and loss or how can we distance ourselves from the things we know are going to hurt us.
To unravel that or to heal from that, consider this… Many people who are afraid of being alone or feeling so low that there doesn’t seem to be a way out, oftentimes experience some of the lowest vibrations such as anger, sadness, depression, denial, worthlessness. When you realize that no matter how shut down you are, your ego believes that you are shielding yourself from the future potential loss, grief, abandonment, pain, suffering.
To get out of that, is to realize that you may have shut down as a way of trying protect yourself from further pain and suffering or future pain and suffering. However, can you begin to see that no amount of shutdownnness can actually stop your life from unfolding the way it is meant to unfold. No matter how much you shut down, no matter how much you resist, no matter how much you turn away, deny, fight, argue, negotiate with the universe – no amount of that actually makes a difference in what is going to happen in your life. If anything is meant to unfold, if anything is meant to come, if anything is meant to go; you cannot prevent that from happening by shutting down. Because you cannot prevent the “bad stuff” from happening, then that also means that you cannot get in the way of the “good stuff” happening.
No amount of shutdownness can prevent any potential adversity and no amount of shutdownness can prevent the universe from bringing you exactly what you are destined to receive at the exact moment you are meant to receive it. Shutdownness cannot stop the potential pain and also cannot interrupt the goodness of your destiny. So what is the point of being shut down. If shutting down doesn’t prevent pain and cannot interrupt pleasure, then why not just be happy?
You may lose, you may have to start all over again, it might be painful, inconvenient, it might be frustrating and confusing, but there is no benefit to shutting down throughout any of this. The reason you are happy is not because things are going your way, not because you have money in the bank, not because you are popular in your profession, not because of how anything is arranged in your life; you are only happy because there is no point in shutting down.
There is no benefit to shutting down. Shutting down is not protecting anything; not preventing anything and certainly not getting in the way of the all things that you desire.
Shutting down is negative vibration – negative energy. The reason people believe that negative energy can interrupt the manifestation of positive things, is because of the inherent belief that positive and negative energies have the same capacity of power. Positive energy is way more powerful than negative energy.
Positive energy is so powerful that from the heart that it radiates from, it has the power to transform the giver and the receiver and even the witnesses of giving and receiving at the same time! Negativity only has the power to primarily toxify the energy field of the giver of negativity.
There is no value to shutting down. Shutting down does not protect you from pain and does not interrupt the goodness and blessings that you are always meant to find. Happiness is caused by not being in a relationship with shutting down. Shutting down robs you of the opportunity to positively affect the energy field.

Monday, 23 March 2020

Can the law of attraction be used to get your ex back?

The way that I understand it; love is knowing and appreciation. Love is the incorporation of knowing and appreciation. Knowing in genuineness - knowing yourself, knowing another person - and a genuine appreciation of yourself and another person. This combination of expressions is love. You generate the feeling of affection in association with the expression of love, of knowing and appreciating.
As you familiarize yourself with self, you generate a knowing of yourself, and that familiarity and that knowing of yourself generates acceptance. In acceptance, you generate appreciation. But you may not offer yourself a genuine acceptance if you do not include the familiarity and the knowing.
When you recognize this familiarity and this knowing of yourself, and generate acceptance and appreciation, you automatically allow yourself the natural by-product which is to express this outwardly to other people. The more clarity you allow yourself of yourself, the more genuine clarity you offer to other people.
Regarding the steps to get your ex back?? Try the following steps.
  • Step 1 – Know yourself. Know yourself deeply. Understand who you really are, what your preferences are, your likes and dislikes.
  • Step 2 – Appreciate yourself. When you appreciate yourself you appreciate your accomplishments. Start by noting on a notebook everything that you accomplish daily. No matter how mundane the accomplishment is, just note it.
  • Step 3 – Trust that the Universe will deliver a suitable partner. life wants your full and absolute trust so that you can receive the fulfillment that you want for yourself. What you want and what life wants for you is the same, but life has a very different way of giving it to you than how you want it.
  • Step 4 - Believe that it is possible to attract a lover of your dreams. Your belief systems can be responsible for the reality that you are experiencing now. Your decisions, emotions and thoughts are all related to your beliefs.
I’ve written a book - Believing is Seeing - on belief systems and how they impact your life.
Once the 4 steps above (knowing, appreciating, trusting, believing) are incorporated, then you will begin to see the result. You will start to see a lot of changes in you as you start to know, appreciate, trust and believe in yourself.
You might not get your ex back. You might attract a better lover for you.
Life wants to give you what you want to receive. Life wants to give it to you in a far different way than how you imagine receiving it. Life’s way is always going to be a higher possibility that how you want things to occur. It’s not like you are putting aside what you want if you are allowing life to give you what you want on its terms.
Whether or not that means you get what you want at the moment you want it. Or maybe you only receive it later. Because that’s in your highest interest. Accept that you have everything you want and more. It may just not involve the way that you envision or demand it to.
This FREE eBook - Believing is Seeing - will show you how your beliefs determine your reality. Not only will it explain how you can attract a romantic relationship, but also how you can attract wealth, health and overall success.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Is there a scientific (or otherwise) truth in the theory that thoughts can create reality?

Scientists have come to the same conclusions, proving that you create your own reality. And also that your reality is the product of your desire, imagination, and expectancy. This FREE Webinar - DIE for SUCCESS - explains how your desire, imagination and expectancy influences your reality. You know that your physical reality is made of matter, the solid stuff that we are used to. The stuff that we can touch, see and feel. The floors on which you stand, the chair on which you sit, etc.
The solid stuff is not really solid, but it is made up of molecules. These are sometimes called molecular structures. There is actually more space in the solid stuff than the ‘solid’ stuff. These molecular structures are actually made of atoms that have nuclei, electrons, protons and various components that make up the atomic particles.
However, the atom is not the smallest thing, nor are the atomic particles the smallest things there is. They are not the smallest building blocks of the universe. There is something smaller that scientists call sub-atomic particles in the name of neutrinos and quacks and various other little names that they have for them. They are the smallest particles that your reality is constructed.
Scientists have found that they cannot find these sub-atomic particles because they are very, very small. But what they can do is track them; see where they have been, as they send atoms through accelerators and other sophisticated machines with names that I cannot pronounce.
What they have found is that the intent of the scientist; the thought of the person making the test, has impact upon the patterns; upon the vibrational frequencies of the sub-atomic particles. They have found that if the scientist thinks it should look this way, it will. If another scientist says it should look that way, it will. They found that the core of the sub-atomic particles; i.e. the energy units and vibrational strings of energies that are even smaller, are also subject to thought.
What you desire, what you expect and what you imagine is going to happen, is what happens at that base or core level of your physical reality. I explain how desire, imagination and expectancy work in this FREE webinar - DIE for SUCCESS.
Now, those building blocks of your reality are subject to thought and respond to your desire, your imagination and your expectancies.
It is those mini particles that make up our universe and that determines what atom is what atom and what phenomena and what characteristics it will have. These particles produce the atoms which produce matter. Clearly, it is such that matter is the product of your desire, your desire, your imagination, and your expectancy.
Scientists have double-blind experiments because they have found that there is no such thing as an observer. There are only participants in reality. A particular scientist with a particular theory will have an impact on the outcome of the experiment that he is conducting.
If they expect that the rats will do something, they will. So they create double-blind experiments so as to cut out the phenomena of expectation and its impact upon reality.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

A Daily Practice for SUCCESS

Embarking on a journey of transformation requires true commitment. However, you should not confuse commitment with effort. We normally determine effort by how hard we push, whereas commitment can be determined by how often we are present. Effort is indeed required in many aspect of life, it is important to remember that pushing harder does not determine the outcomes we seek. These are usually accessed by our greater commitment to the cause.

Such a commitment is not only about how good we are at a particular practice, but of perfecting the art of consistent implementation. When based on true commitment, transformation practice can offer many benefits to accelerate the development of our journey. It can expand the parameters of limiting perspectives and possibly offer explanation to the unfolding mysteries within us.

You do this daily practice to make time daily for your own self-care and personal growth. You will allow the value of your highest ethics to expand. If such practice is not established as a necessary part of your day, you are more likely to be shaken by the uncertain ground of the change you cannot avoid. The more daily practice is established as part of your routine, the greater harmoniousness you tend to feel, no matter how surprising life becomes.

A daily practice is not a matter of being good at something, it is simply an exploration unto the effort of attendance. It strengthens the skill of consistency.

This daily practice should be used as an opportunity to make your own evolution in self-care a vital part of your daily experience. Whether you have a good day of practice or feel as if you are fighting every step of the way, it is always a useful means to support greater emotional and energetic harmony as you face boredom, loneliness, frustration and confusion. It signifies the signpost of your deepest inner transformation.

Although all the exercises and meditations in the 30-Day Transformation Program can be used as daily transformation practice, a daily practice mentioned in this blog is a good start.

The Practice

  1. Write down 3 things you are grateful for. If nothing arises, write down 3 things you wish you felt grateful for.
  2. Write down 3 things you have done right today. If nothing arises, write down 3 things you wish you could acknowledge yourself for doing right.
  3. Write down 3 things you would love to manifest into your reality. If nothing arises, write down 3 things you would love to manifest for somebody.
This daily practice has been developed to support your most miraculous transformation.

Why do we need free will when there’s destiny?

When you were co-created (by the Universe and yourself), before you were even born, your destiny was determined. You came here on earth with your destiny already set. That cannot change. You cannot miss out on experiences you are destined to have. Because your destiny is so destined, your choices can never take you out of alignment with what already is meant to be.

You don’t have to visualize what you want, it has already been given to you. And it will show up in a chapter of your life where it can be received without becoming a distraction. Where it can be received with joy without creating any sense of fear. Sometimes when we get what we want, having what we want becomes the next threat or afraid to lose. Then you spend some time afraid to lose it that you don’t enjoy it.

Quest, Adventure, Planning, Searching

Destiny is a guarantee, but it is a guarantee that occurs with your participation. The most important part of destiny is that it is your participation that decides the quality of your experience. This is your free will. So it is very possible for you to experience a destiny that is guaranteed to unfold in a particular way, but it may not unfold with you having the exact experience you want to have of it. What is not set in stone is the quality of experience you will have of it. The outcome will come to be but you decide (through your free will) how or what the quality of experience shall be.

The way to determine the quality of experience is to participate in some form of action on your part. Do whatever is necessary to ensure that the quality of experience is a good one. However, try not to work on an exhausting and fear-based fashion that you are not actually allowing a grace of faith to carry you through every moment. This is your free will. Your free will is deciding what kind of experience are you going to have in your path to your predetermined destiny.

Support, Help, Assistance, Participation

Monday, 9 March 2020

How can I re-align myself when feeling down?

7 R’s of Re-alignment
This is a tool you use when you need to be tossed a lifesaver. When you, in your reality, sense that you are going down.
1. Relax
  • Switch your phone off and make sure you will not be disturbed for the next 5 minutes
  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position, in a quiet place. It can be on the beach, in your office, bedroom or anywhere you feel comfortable.
  • You may sit on the floor on a chair or couch. You do not have to sit in a lotus position.
  • Close your eyes
  • Blank your mind and focus on the blackness behind your eyes
2. Release
  • Take 3 deep breaths all the way down to the bottom of your being.
  • Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth
  • Feel your tension melting away.
  • Feel your anger and fear melting away while still focusing on the blackness of behind your eyes.
3. Reflect
  • What must you believe in that given situation in order to be creating a reality you do not prefer?
  • Reflect upon your definitions. Define what you are believing and be willing to re-assign the preferred beliefs and act that way.
4. Remember
  • Remember what your vision is.
  • Remember what it is that excites you.
  • Re-center yourself to what excites you.
  • Remember yourself, do not dismember yourself.
5. Respond
  • Allow yourself to move with conviction.
  • Allow yourself to light a fire beneath your feet and get shaking.
  • Move.
6. Realize
  • Realize your preferred reality.
7. Rejoice
  • Rejoice, for you have re-connected with the center of your beingness.
  • You have re-aligned yourself according to preference.
If you truly believe in what excites you; you will not accept any evidence that what excites you does not work. And if you do believe that what truly excites you does not work, look at that belief. You cannot change it until you own it. If that is your truest belief, look to transform it, otherwise it will always limit you in that way.