Thursday, 19 March 2020

Is there a scientific (or otherwise) truth in the theory that thoughts can create reality?

Scientists have come to the same conclusions, proving that you create your own reality. And also that your reality is the product of your desire, imagination, and expectancy. This FREE Webinar - DIE for SUCCESS - explains how your desire, imagination and expectancy influences your reality. You know that your physical reality is made of matter, the solid stuff that we are used to. The stuff that we can touch, see and feel. The floors on which you stand, the chair on which you sit, etc.
The solid stuff is not really solid, but it is made up of molecules. These are sometimes called molecular structures. There is actually more space in the solid stuff than the ‘solid’ stuff. These molecular structures are actually made of atoms that have nuclei, electrons, protons and various components that make up the atomic particles.
However, the atom is not the smallest thing, nor are the atomic particles the smallest things there is. They are not the smallest building blocks of the universe. There is something smaller that scientists call sub-atomic particles in the name of neutrinos and quacks and various other little names that they have for them. They are the smallest particles that your reality is constructed.
Scientists have found that they cannot find these sub-atomic particles because they are very, very small. But what they can do is track them; see where they have been, as they send atoms through accelerators and other sophisticated machines with names that I cannot pronounce.
What they have found is that the intent of the scientist; the thought of the person making the test, has impact upon the patterns; upon the vibrational frequencies of the sub-atomic particles. They have found that if the scientist thinks it should look this way, it will. If another scientist says it should look that way, it will. They found that the core of the sub-atomic particles; i.e. the energy units and vibrational strings of energies that are even smaller, are also subject to thought.
What you desire, what you expect and what you imagine is going to happen, is what happens at that base or core level of your physical reality. I explain how desire, imagination and expectancy work in this FREE webinar - DIE for SUCCESS.
Now, those building blocks of your reality are subject to thought and respond to your desire, your imagination and your expectancies.
It is those mini particles that make up our universe and that determines what atom is what atom and what phenomena and what characteristics it will have. These particles produce the atoms which produce matter. Clearly, it is such that matter is the product of your desire, your desire, your imagination, and your expectancy.
Scientists have double-blind experiments because they have found that there is no such thing as an observer. There are only participants in reality. A particular scientist with a particular theory will have an impact on the outcome of the experiment that he is conducting.
If they expect that the rats will do something, they will. So they create double-blind experiments so as to cut out the phenomena of expectation and its impact upon reality.

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