Monday, 17 October 2016

What truly excites you the most?

To answer this question, allow your mind to furnish you with whatever comes up without any judgement or analysis. Close your eyes and allow your imagination to answer the question in whatever form it comes. Just note what comes up for you. Allow yourself to breathe and provide any symbol or impression that comes up.

Some people answer the question by saying they do not know what excites them the most. When you say that you do not know what excites you most, you withhold your ability to access what you already know.
If you haven't or couldn’t find the answer or you can't imagine anything that excites you, the reason could be:

The judgement of that thing by your society - You are buying into the judgement - about the exciting thing - that society seems to frown upon. The society’s judgement cannot have an effect on you until you match or create your version of their judgment in the form of self-judgement. Common judgements include:

    • Artists don’t make enough money. Only a few make it
    • Only a university degree will guarantee you a job then a happy life
    • Following your passion is risky and often leads to failure
    • And so forth
Fear that you can't achieve what excites you - The fact that it excites you, is an indication of your prerequisite ability to do that thing. Your excitement tells you that you have the ability to succeed in doing this thing. Though it may not be obvious at the moment how this thing can come about, your excitement tells you it absolutely can!

The idea that you will not be able to handle the power that comes with the achievement or fulfilment of this thing that excites you the most - Remember, there is nothing that you can ever create and not be able to handle it. Everything that exists has been created and it belongs.
The message that your excitement delivers:

    • It tells you that you CAN do that thing
    • It tells you that when doing that thing you will have more than enough power to continue to do that thing and that that power can never overcome you. 

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