Wednesday, 28 March 2018

I have just recently published three inspiring articles in the Business Expert Press ebook marketplace. 


Creating Your Preferred Reality 

ISBN: 9781948198080
Publish Date: 2017-12-18
Page Count: 6
Description: This article touches on the fundamental steps required to achieve everything you want. You will have an opportunity to learn how to visualize and create your personal vision, which includes all the important components of your life and career—who you want to be, what you want to do, how you want to feel, what you want to own, with whom you want to associate, and so forth. This article will also explain how you create your reality 100 percent, whether it is a wanted or an unwanted reality. How you can use your excitement as leverage toward creating the life that you prefer and use it as a tool to align you to your purpose. 

Maintain a Clear Intention 

ISBN: 9781948198103
Publish Date: 2018-02-25
Page Count: 8
Description: A foundational idea that is key in creating your own reality is having a clear intention and a clear feeling of the thing you wish to do. The clear feeling is generated by your clear intention. This emotional component puts the energy in motion and begins to thicken the foundation and the vibration, making it that much easier to be acted upon. You realign to and maintain your clear intention by choosing to act on what excites you the most—in a point in time—doing so fully and experiencing the grandeur of that choice in that moment. The thing that is available that you intend to do is most quickly accessed when you follow your excitement. While acting on what excites you in that moment, keep your eyes open and it will be obvious how that was absolutely instrumental in allowing you to accomplish your clear intention, whether it is subtle or blatant.             

Your Belief System Dictates out Life

ISBN: 9781948198097
Publish Date: 2018-03-07
Page Count: 8
Description: A lot of us are brought up, in our families and societies, buying into many different kinds of belief systems that have more to do with other people’s beliefs than the ones that are fully aligned with who we are. The unconscious beliefs that you bought into that are limiting will always have some effect on your emotions, thoughts, and actions, which will result in creating realities that may seem overwhelmingly negative. Your beliefs determine what kind of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors you exhibit, which then reinforce your reality. In this e-book, you will learn how letting go of those beliefs, which are not yours, will make you feel empowered, freer, and lighter.
You can buy them directly from the BEP website by clicking the link below:


Friday, 23 March 2018

How, exactly, do thoughts affect your reality?



We create our personal reality through our conscious beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world. Basically you create your experience through your beliefs about yourself and the nature of reality. Another way to understand this is to realize that you create your experiences through your expectations.

You form the fabric of your experience through your own beliefs and expectations. These personal ideas about yourself and the nature of reality will affect your thoughts and emotions. You take your beliefs about reality as truth, and often do not question them. They seem self-explanatory. They appear in your mind as statements of fact, far too obvious for examination.

Your environment is the physical picture of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs made visible.Once you believe something, you begin to formulate thoughts and imagination in line with those beliefs.


The conscious mind directs unconscious activity and has at its command all of the powers of the inner self. These are activated according to our ideas about reality. Experience is the product of the mind, the spirit, conscious thoughts and feelings, and unconscious thoughts and feelings. These together form the reality that you know. You are hardly at the mercy of a reality, therefore, that exists apart from yourself, or is thrust upon you. You are so intimately connected with the physical events composing your life experience that often you cannot distinguish between the seemingly material occurrences and the thoughts, expectations and desires that gave them birth.

What exists physically exists first in thought and then feeling or emotion. If you do not like your experience, then you must change the nature of your conscious thoughts and expectations. You must alter the kind of messages that you are sending through your thoughts to your own body, to friends and associates. Each thought has a result, in your terms. The same kind of thought, habitually repeated, will seem to have a more or less permanent effect. If you like the effect, then you seldom examine the thought.

Your thoughts directly affect your emotions or how you feel. If you are constantly thinking negative thoughts, you automatically start feeling negative. When you change your thoughts to positive, the emotion also changes.


All consciousness creates the world, rising out of feeling-tone or emotions. It is a natural product of what your consciousness is. Feelings and emotions emerge into reality in certain specific ways. You form the fabric of your experience through your own beliefs and expectations. These personal ideas about yourself and the nature of reality will affect your thoughts and emotions. You take your beliefs about reality as truth, and often do not question them. They seem self-explanatory. They appear in your mind as statements of fact, far too obvious for examination.

Understand that your energy, translated into feelings, thoughts and emotions, causes all experience. There are no exceptions. Once you understand this you have only to learn to examine the nature of your beliefs, for these will automatically cause you to feel and think in certain fashions. Your emotions follow your beliefs. It is not the other way around.

Your emotions and your imagination both follow your belief. When the belief vanishes then the same emotional context is no longer entertained, and your imagination turns in other directions. Beliefs automatically mobilize your emotional and imaginative powers. Few beliefs are intellectual alone. When you are examining the contents of your conscious mind, you must learn, or recognize, the emotional and imaginative connotations that are connected with a given idea.


You change even the most permanent-seeming conditions of your life constantly through the varying attitudes you have toward them. There is nothing in your exterior experience that did not originate within you.

In this case also your reality colors your beliefs, and your experience is a direct result of your conscious attitudes. By such attitudes you put clamps upon your inner self, purposely hamper your experience, and reinforce beliefs in the negative aspects of your being.

It is impossible to separate your daily experience in any of its aspects from your beliefs and those judgments that you place upon them. The beliefs boil down to your ideas of right and wrong, and they involve all of your attitudes concerning illness and health, wealth and poverty, the relationships of the races, religious conflicts, and more important, your intimate day-by-day psychological reality.
Your own attitude about these issues will tell you much about yourself and influence your own personal reality.


Each person chooses for himself the individual patterns within which he will create this personal reality. But inside these bounds are infinite varieties of actions and unlimited resources.

The ultimate expression of creation is physical action. Action is the moving mechanism of your reality. The beliefs, emotions and thoughts are the foundation that affects your actions and these actions create your reality. Your actions are a spiritual expression and do not deny yourself material existence and action to obtain your reality. Everything in creation is equal, spirituality is not better that materiality. In order to create a reality, you must perform an action. It is all well and good to have your head ‘in the clouds’, but it only becomes practical and usable to keep your feet on the ground. In this case, grounding is what can you do in any given moment from what is available.

Your actions ultimately create your reality. You must use your actions to tell and trace back to yourself what you are believing, thinking and feeling. If you believe that you deserve everything that you can create, then you act that way. If, however, you believe that you do not deserve, you act like a person who does not deserve. Remember, you contain both beliefs – that you deserve and that you don’t deserve. The belief that you always expressing instead of the other is the one that you experience the reality of. That expression takes the form of action. You are either acting like a person who deserves of you are acting like a person who does not deserve.