Wednesday, 19 April 2017

How to improve your life by removing unwanted beliefs

Many of us are brought up, in our societies, buying into many different kinds of belief systems that have more to do with other people’s beliefs than our own; than the ones that are fully aligned with who we are. When you begin to let go of those beliefs, that are not yours, you will feel more empowerment, more freedom and lighter.

Behind the videos are specially developed soundtracks for your enjoyment. These soundtracks have in them Solfeggio vibrations thought to have been used in sacred music. Not only will you benefit from the information in the video, but also from the subtle Solfeggio tunes in the background.
Through your beliefs and definitions, you create your reality. Your definitions and beliefs determine what kind of feelings and thoughts and behaviors you exhibit, that then re-enforce your reality that you have created with your belief. Beliefs are the blueprint, the first step and the definition is the key, not just the thought. Some people interchange those concepts of the law of attraction and say thoughts create your reality. What they really mean is the basic fundamental belief creates the reality.  What you believe is true us what you experience. Then the thoughts go hand in hand to re-enforce them.

All expressions within creation are equally valid. What I’m doing in my videos is merely reflect back to you what you already know. You can only perceive something if you first contain it. So, should you hear any ideas from me or from anyone that you find most pleasing, understand that they only ring true with you and only make sense to you, because you already contain it. I’m not truly giving you anything you don’t already have.

We are all sparks of God or All that Is. We, as physical beings, are literally like prisms that break down that white light in individual particular way. This prism is three sided, and contains belief systems, emotionality and mentality or thoughts. If you believe something or have a belief system, you then generate corresponding emotions and from those emotions and that belief, particular thoughts. With this foundational prism as a basis, you then perform actions. It is these actions, in a physical world, which create the parameters in your own reality.

Depending upon your beliefs, you will generate certain emotions, thoughts and actions and actions speak louder than words! You do create your own reality, entirely, 100%, through that prism. You can use any one side of that prism to trace back to the fundamental belief system that results in the creation of your life. If you act like you don’t create your own reality, you create in those actions, the evidence or the logic that reinforces the fact that you do not. So, if your foundational belief system is that you do not create your own reality, you will create the effect of not, or seeming to not create your own reality.

It is truly up to you to decide that it is appealing to you to believe that you DO create your reality for, then you can change it if you do not like the way it is. And this is POWER. You can change it very simply, for anytime something happens which you Do NOT prefer, there are buried treasures hidden within a certain circumstance that results in you reacting in a negative way. Any emotion that you have, given any situation, is always a result of a belief. You can use this to you advantage by understanding it and, when you have a particular emotion, asking yourself: “What must I believe in this situation to feel this way?”. This is step 1 to changing your beliefs.

You create your reality in two ways, consciously (you choose certain beliefs from an option of beliefs), but also unconsciously (buying very strongly into things that were spoon-fed to you as you were brought up, not realizing there was any other choice). Once you chose a particular belief, you then correspondingly generated them emotions, thought and actions to it. All belief systems contain within them, a self-sustaining, self-perpetuating system of logic and system of evidence. Therefore, you always get what you believe.

When you are willing to decide that you create your own reality, you can weed out the beliefs that no longer serve you and perhaps you bought into unconsciously. The unconscious beliefs that you bought into that are limiting, will always have some effect on your emotions, thoughts and actions, which will result in creating realities that may seem overwhelmingly negative.

All situations, are a fundamentally blank set of props, with no built-in meaning. You supply the meaning and the meaning that you supple determines the effect that you get out.

This video will teach you how to live your life and learn to let go of preconceived notions: