Thursday, 10 August 2017
Friday, 9 June 2017
Practical Law of Attraction: Your Actions Express your Beliefs
The ultimate
expression of creation is physical action. Action is the moving mechanism of
your reality. The beliefs, emotions and
thoughts are the foundation that affects your actions and these actions create
your reality. In order to create a reality, you must perform an action. Your
actions ultimately create your reality. You can use your actions to tell and
trace back to yourself what you are thinking, feeling and believing. If you believe
that you deserve everything that you can create, then you act that way.
If, however, you
believe that you do not deserve, you act like a person who does not deserve.
Remember, you contain both beliefs – that you deserve and that you don’t
deserve. The belief that you always expressing instead of the other is the one
that you experience the reality of. That expression takes the form of action.
You are either acting like a person who deserves of you are acting like a
person who does not deserve.
Friday, 2 June 2017
Practical Law of Attraction: Why Your Beliefs are Limiting YOU
When you are
willing to decide that you create your own reality, you can weed out the
beliefs that no longer serve you and perhaps you bought into unconsciously. The
unconscious beliefs that you bought into that are limiting, will always have
some effect on your emotions, thoughts and actions, which will result in
creating realities that may seem overwhelmingly negative.
You create your
reality in two ways, consciously (you choose certain beliefs from an option of
beliefs), but also unconsciously (buying very strongly into things that were
spoon-fed to you as you were brought up, not realizing there was any other
choice). Once you chose a particular belief, you then correspondingly generated
them emotions, thought and actions to it.
All belief
systems contain within them, a self-sustaining, self-perpetuating system of
logic and system of evidence. Therefore, you always get what you believe.
Sunday, 14 May 2017
What Truly Excites you the Most
If you want to create your reality consciously according to what you prefer, you must acknowledge the thing that excites you the most. When aligning with that most exciting thing, your moment to moment reality begins to reflect this alignment.

When you decide on the establishment of your particular vision, each moment has something directly to do with that vision. What excites you in any given moment will now change for, those things that excites you will now be representative of the path of least resistance towards that most exciting thing. Use this as a compass for directing you to where these moments will ultimately lead.
Answer the following question. Please allow your mind to furnish you with whatever comes up without any judgement or analysis.
Before you answer the following question, allow your imagination to answer you in whatever form it comes. Just note what comes up for you.
- Close your eyes
- Allow yourself to breathe and provide any symbol or impression that comes up.
- Allow a moment…
If you haven't or couldn’t find the answer or you can't imagine anything that excites you, the reason could be:
1. Judgement of that thing by your society - You are buying into the judgement - about the exciting thing - that the society seems to frown upon. The society’s judgement cannot have an effect on you until you match or create your version of their judgment in the form of self-judgement.
2. Fear that you can't achieve what excites you - The fact that it excites you, is an indication of your prerequisite ability to do that thing. Your excitement tells you that you have the ability to succeed in doing this thing. Though it may not be obvious on the moment how this thing can come about, your excitement tells you it absolutely can!
3. The idea that you will not be able to handle the power that comes with the achievement or fulfillment of that thing that excites you the most - Remember, there is nothing that you can ever create and not be able to handle it. Everything that exist has been created and it belongs.
Certain things which excite people are societally believed to be unworthy or perhaps: ‘everyone knows you shouldn’t do that’ type of approach. Therefore, people will ignore what excites them from time to time for ‘everybody knows that’s no way to make a living’.
But the idea is that you always know, if you would let yourself in on the knowledge, what excites you. Before you can begin to act on what excites you, you need to define what excites you. Action is just a by-product that allows you to manifest reality in a physical world.
Run the things present in your life through your excitement meter. You will see that some of them excite you and some of them do not. You may then begin to get an indication of where you may wish to focus your attention and what will be most fruitful if followed through.
You must now begin to define your excitement and begin to hone in specifically on what it is that truly moves you. It does not move you for no specific reason, it does not move you to tease and taunt you or dangle a carrot or gold ring that you cannot reach. It moves you for a reason. If you would begin, when you have been moved by it, to move in action with it, this will become most obvious.
Friday, 12 May 2017
Practical Law of Attraction: Allow your life to Unfold
Allowing your
reality to unfold is truly the only way to have it ‘go your way’. Your reality
always changes and you can allowance those changes to deliver many things and
through your resistance, you slow down your process. You do not push or move or
force your reality to express itself. You ALLOW your reality. You express the
allowance for your reality to express itself. When you do so not fully
consciously or purposefully or knowingly then results of such an allowance can
seem to have many random effects that you don’t prefer.
The idea that
you can shift or transform your reality by simply redefining yourself and
deciding who it is you wish or desire to be is truly not an act of pushing,
changing, forming or conforming; it is a matter of allowing. Allowance is
simply allowing effortlessly the outcome of any particular idea.
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
The Ultimate Guide to Teleportation
Everything that you do imagine is a vibration, is an energy form, has
timing, space and time, energy, position and place, has substance, has focus-ability,
and, in this way, you can know that everything that you do imagine is, on some
level of reality, existent You cannot imagine nonexistence.
Energy forms, like a file in a computer also have properties, expressed in meta data. For instance, let’s take graphics file, call it image.jpeg. This file will have the following properties or the meta data:
1) General Properties
File name
File Type
Date Created
07 May 2017 5:43pm
Date Modified
07 May 2017 7:58pm
Date Accessed
07 May 2017 7:58pm
2) Other properties including Security, Details and
Previous Versions.
For this discussion, the General
properties, together with the Details properties provide the data that is
needed to manipulate the file. All matter in space and time contains similar
properties or meta data, albeit more detailed and complex than a computer file.
In simple terms, to change the
location of the file on a computer would be as easy as changing the drive or
the path. Example, to relocate the file to a different folder in the local
drive, you would just change the path, from c:\myfiles to, say, c:\otherfiles. Or
you could even change to a different drive in the same computer, say, to
d:\newfiles. This shouldn’t involve the physical movement of the files inside a
computer. All you change is the location property and the file now ‘appears’ in
a different folder.
Using the example above, let’s ow
look at a man and plot his attributes:
Homo Sapiens
This will be the size in 3
(length, breadth, height,
weight, volume, etc)
Location on earth
GPS coordinates in 3 dimension
Date conceived
07 May 2017 5:43pm
Date born
07 May 2017 7:58pm
Million other dates
For a human being, the above
table will contain millions of rows and columns some of which we cannot
One of the properties of a human
being – or all matter - is locational vibration. This is a property of each
object; one possessing location A; one possessing location B. In this way, you
can recognize that, with the utilization of consciousness, you can create a field which can unlock the idea
vibration of an object from any particular physical reality it is experiencing,
and you can remove or replace the idea identity of its locational vibration
with another one.
In theory, changing the locational
vibration property of David above should relocate David to a new location
property based on the new GPS coordinates, without travelling. So, if David
wants to ‘move’ from the Statue of Liberty in New York – location A (40.6892°
N, 74.0445° W) to the Eiffel Tower in France – location B (48.8584° N, 2.2945°
E), all he needs to do is change the GPS coordinates and voila, he is in
France. He doesn’t need to walk, fly or swim.
For example: when you replace
David’s location A property with location B property, and when you release this
unlocking field and allow the object to re-materialize, re-physicalize, it will,
by definition, need to take up residence at location B – the Eiffel Tower,
rather than A – the Statue of Liberty. David will seem to have magically traversed
the distance in between, while no real traveling has occurred at all. It has,
in a sense, been recreated from one point to another.
Recognize that while you seem to
walk down your street, you are actually a continuous broken series of recreated
images that, because they vibrate so rapidly, you choose to perceive as a
smooth continuum. Recognize that you can remove many of the interim steps
between Point A and B, and simply be at A and then B, without having to
perceive the flow of movement in between.
The idea of space is not
something of volume in which an object resides, but it is a locational property
of the object itself. Thus, if you change the locational property of an object,
you change the object's position in the universe.
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
Practical Law of Attraction: Keep your Intention, Do Not Give up!,
Keep your Intention, Do Not Give
up!, Intention
is your willingness to establish in no uncertain terms what it is you intend to
do. No hoping, no wishing, no praying, simply; ‘this is who I am, this is what
I intend to do. I do not care how long it takes, nothing will stop me. Your
willingness to clarify and be as clear as possible with what this intention is
begins the process of crystallisation from what you might call the mental or
causal plane into your physical reality.
If you are willing to maintain the clear intention no
matter what the face of reality seems to suggest, then you can never fail. You
simply realise that the moment you are in is not the moment for the playing out
of the clear intention.
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
How to improve your life by removing unwanted beliefs
Many of us are brought up, in our
societies, buying into many different kinds of belief systems that have more to
do with other people’s beliefs than our own; than the ones that are fully
aligned with who we are. When you begin to let go of those beliefs, that are
not yours, you will feel more empowerment, more freedom and lighter.
Behind the videos are specially
developed soundtracks for your enjoyment. These soundtracks have in them
Solfeggio vibrations thought to have been used in sacred music. Not only will
you benefit from the information in the video, but also from the subtle
Solfeggio tunes in the background.
Through your beliefs and
definitions, you create your reality. Your definitions and beliefs determine
what kind of feelings and thoughts and behaviors you exhibit, that then
re-enforce your reality that you have created with your belief. Beliefs are the
blueprint, the first step and the definition is the key, not just the thought.
Some people interchange those concepts of the law of attraction and say
thoughts create your reality. What they really mean is the basic fundamental
belief creates the reality. What you
believe is true us what you experience. Then the thoughts go hand in hand to
re-enforce them.
All expressions within creation
are equally valid. What I’m doing in my videos is merely reflect back to you
what you already know. You can only perceive something if you first contain it.
So, should you hear any ideas from me or from anyone that you find most
pleasing, understand that they only ring true with you and only make sense to
you, because you already contain it. I’m not truly giving you anything you
don’t already have.
We are all sparks of God or All
that Is. We, as physical beings, are literally like prisms that break down that
white light in individual particular way. This prism is three sided, and
contains belief systems, emotionality and mentality or thoughts. If you believe
something or have a belief system, you then generate corresponding emotions and
from those emotions and that belief, particular thoughts. With this
foundational prism as a basis, you then perform actions. It is these actions,
in a physical world, which create the parameters in your own reality.
Depending upon your beliefs, you
will generate certain emotions, thoughts and actions and actions speak louder
than words! You do create your own reality, entirely, 100%, through that prism.
You can use any one side of that prism to trace back to the fundamental belief
system that results in the creation of your life. If you act like you don’t
create your own reality, you create in those actions, the evidence or the logic
that reinforces the fact that you do not. So, if your foundational belief
system is that you do not create your own reality, you will create the effect of
not, or seeming to not create your own reality.
It is truly up to you to decide
that it is appealing to you to believe that you DO create your reality for,
then you can change it if you do not like the way it is. And this is POWER. You
can change it very simply, for anytime something happens which you Do NOT
prefer, there are buried treasures hidden within a certain circumstance that
results in you reacting in a negative way. Any emotion that you have, given any
situation, is always a result of a belief. You can use this to you advantage by
understanding it and, when you have a particular emotion, asking yourself:
“What must I believe in this situation to feel this way?”. This is step 1 to
changing your beliefs.
You create your reality in two
ways, consciously (you choose certain beliefs from an option of beliefs), but
also unconsciously (buying very strongly into things that were spoon-fed to you
as you were brought up, not realizing there was any other choice). Once you
chose a particular belief, you then correspondingly generated them emotions,
thought and actions to it. All belief systems contain within them, a
self-sustaining, self-perpetuating system of logic and system of evidence.
Therefore, you always get what you believe.
When you are willing to decide
that you create your own reality, you can weed out the beliefs that no longer
serve you and perhaps you bought into unconsciously. The unconscious beliefs
that you bought into that are limiting, will always have some effect on your
emotions, thoughts and actions, which will result in creating realities that
may seem overwhelmingly negative.
All situations, are a
fundamentally blank set of props, with no built-in meaning. You supply the
meaning and the meaning that you supple determines the effect that you get out.
This video will teach you how to
live your life and learn to let go of preconceived notions:
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Monday, 3 April 2017
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Thursday, 2 February 2017
Create a reality you want in 7 Steps
1. Decide who you ARE
you decide who you are, you automatically create yourself in the moment you are
deciding to be that person across the board, no matter what. Whenever you
change that decision, you change your reality. In the moment that you decide,
you become that decision and hence you become that reality. What you choose and
what you decide is what you are being and what you subsequently trust in. If you
remain focused and conscious about it, your actions then reflect that
decision. Therefore, your actions
produce an effect that is consistent with that decision in the way that you
create your physical life. Your reality, which is you and comes from you and
which is an expression of you, can give the impression of being external to
allow for the idea of reflection, of knowing and of mentality.
you begin to awaken your consciousness and recognise that you can create your
reality consciously, you begin to factor in the idea of having a conscious
decision. This generally takes the form of having the decision be according to
desire and preference rather than the random idea that you are handed a reality
or a decision. Even if you create the idea that it seems that you have been
handed the decision of who you are, you only get the effect of being the person
you are when you agree with that decision.
creating consciously, you begin with using your desire, your preference and
your discernment to narrow down who it is you want to be and who you wish to
be. Therefore, make the decision of who you wish to be consciously, according
to preference and according to the person that you ideally see yourself as. You
contain it all and that means you can choose from anything and one of the
options is to choose to be the person you desire and ideally picture that you
2. Trust your decision
The idea that allows you to implement that decision to
change your life is the idea of trusting the decision. By making the decision,
in each and every moment, you are literally creating yourself. If you have a
consistency to that decision; if you choose who you are and continue to decide
that that is who you are, then you create a continuity and the foundation
through which you can begin to see the changes in your reality. You can begin
to see the changes through the eyes of the decision rather than through an
older approach to your reality. When you decide who you are, you begin to see
as that person and that person sees and interprets his/her reality and external
circumstances differently.
Trust and faith is something that you always have. You
always have trust and faith in something. If you think that you have no trust
and you are doubting something, understand that doubt is not lack of trust. It
is, however, a complete 100% trust in a reality that you do not prefer.
Realising this allows you to remove the sense of burden from the idea of trust
because you do not have to muster it up, build it up or exercise your trust
muscles, you are already trusting something.
If you are simply accurate and constructive with your
approach, you can understand that you are trusting in something. You always
make a decision and if you trust in that decision and act as though that
decision has registered, you get the effect of that decision. If you say you do
not trust the decision, perhaps your circumstance shows otherwise, you are
still trusting in something; generally, a disempowered idea. You always decide
and you always trust.
Being willing to make your decision consciously and to trust
your decision consciously is all that it takes to use the mechanism that you
already employ in your life, but use it constructively. Use it to have a
desired effect and to create the life that you prefer. Trusting your decision
is truly and simply maintaining the decision.
3. Vision
personal vision is a picture of your true self in the future. This, as is
usual, includes all the important components of your life and career; who you
want to be, what you want to do, how you want to feel, what you want to own,
and with whom you want to associate. Basically, your personal vision is a
snapshot of the things that excite you the most. Your vision guides your life
and provides the direction necessary to chart the course of your days and the
choices you make about your life. A vision is like a compass that guides and
directs you towards your reality. Many people go through life without a
definite vision and often wonder why their reality is not as they want it to
be. When clarifying your vision, you begin to determine the reality that you
your own reality according to preference involves a slight shift in perception.
You already create your own reality unconsciously and now all you need to do is
take responsibility for creating your reality according to your preference. In
the past, you have been creating your reality in auto-pilot mode, being unaware
of your thoughts and feelings.
must clearly define your intention or the vision which represents the purposes
or general themes in your life. Through your alignment with that thing that
gives you the ultimate excitement, your moment to moment reality begins to
reflect this alignment. When you decide to establish your specific vision, each
moment has something directly to do with that vision. What excites you in any
given moment will now change, for those things that excite you will now be representative
of the path of least resistance towards that most exciting thing. Use this as a
compass for directing you to where these moments will ultimately lead.
4. Deservability
deservability is another clarifying issue that allows you to see your
connection to God or what you would desire within existence. Your deservability
is your inherent given, you need not have done anything in particular in order
to deserve to exist. You simply exist and along with it, you have both
excitement and desires and you also deserve to fulfil these desires. So, if you
find yourself bumping against a wall, look at the fact of do you truly feel
that you deserve the things that excite you and if you do not, have a closer
look at that issue. If you believe that you do not deserve, know that you can
change that and you can begin to grant yourself deservability.
that your primary relationship in life is with yourself. Your ability to do
anything externally will only be a reflection of your willingness to do so
internally. Your willingness to love yourself unconditionally will be reflected
in your ability to love others unconditionally. Your ability to cease judging
yourself will allow you to cease the judgement of others. Therefore,
deservability can be a prime clarifying issue.
5. Beliefs
beliefs are the foundations of your actions and your actions create your
reality. If you believe in a negative outcome, you will perform actions that
will attract you to a negative outcome. The only way to change your negative
beliefs is by acknowledging them. By allowing an emotion to deliver a belief
you can create the joyous appreciation of your reality. You must first
acknowledge the old negative belief and then acknowledge the new positive
belief. Then compare in your mind, how one who believes in a negative outcome
acts and how one with a positive belief acts.
always act according to what they believe. So, in stating the new preferred
positive belief, and using your imagination to furnish how a person would act
who believes that, you will see a different set of actions come forth in your
imagination. They will then be available for you to choose as your action. Should you choose the action reflective of a
positive belief then you create a momentum of events leading to that positive
outcome. You will create a vibration that attracts to you the positive
outcomes, even under the same set of circumstances.
the distinction between exploring something mentally and experiencing it. You
can literally explore any idea but without action, the thought will not
manifest into a reality. It is safe to look at any belief within you – even the
ones that are disturbing – for if you are not acting according to those
beliefs, the mere thinking of them has no effect. This gives you the license to
freely view and review the things that you believe, understanding that they
cannot destroy you. In fact, keeping them in place, through denial, rather than
acknowledging and transforming them, gives them more power to seemingly have a
negative outcome.
6. Excitement
your own reality according to preference involves a slight shift in perception.
You already create your own reality unconsciously and now all you need to do is
take responsibility for creating your reality according to your preference. In
the past, you have been creating your reality in auto-pilot mode, being unaware
of your thoughts and feelings. From this point forward, you must base the
creation of your reality on the things that excite you the most. Remember, your
excitement is who you choose to be in this life.
This applies to the ultimate
exciting thing that you feel you may ever do and it also applies to available
things at any given moment using that vibration. That excitement is there to
determine what is representative of you so that you can act upon that option
with integrity. Acting with integrity means acting as though you are integrated
with all things.
yourself with the ultimate exciting thing that directly affects what occurs in
the moment. This allows what happens at any given moment to be a stepping stone
towards your ultimate exciting thing. If you want to create your reality
consciously according to what you prefer, you must acknowledge the thing that
gives you the ultimate excitement. You must clearly define your intention or
the vision which represents the purposes or general themes in your life. Through
your alignment with that thing that gives you the ultimate excitement, your
moment to moment reality begins to reflect this alignment.
each and every given moment, there are a series of choices that are available
and immediately accessible. Choosing from those choices, with the excitement as
the criteria that you will not settle for a less, and then acting upon that
action creates a new effect in your life. When acting from an excited
perspective and with integrity, the result can only be an exciting result and
not harming you or anyone else.
and allowing yourself to be excited and factoring in moment to moment
excitement into your decision is the beginning of the journey towards being the
one that you wish to be. When you notice which one excites you the most, within
the different options that you are presented with, you can embellish the
decision to include the idea of the thing that excites you.
7. Action
physicalised movement of your physicalised body is the thing that actually
creates the reality. Your style and approach of your action results from your
beliefs and the cause of causes are your belief systems. The actual mechanism
that ringed in the reality and allows it to change and transform is the action.
Your willingness, not only to define what it is that excites you, to act upon
your excitement is the set of parameters that will allow you to create the
reality you prefer most. Begin to pay attention to what excites you and as well
as pay particular attention to what does not.
can only experience a reality you are the vibration of. Many people are
functioning as beings that manifests what they do not prefer. The way to
transform for a being whose vibration is that of manifesting the reality that
is not preferred, is by action. When you believe that you have always created a
certain portion within your life of things which you do not prefer, and assume
that you will continue to do so, you can then perpetuate the idea that you
create your life that you prefer. Now, what will physically raise your
vibration is physical action. The tone of that physical action is determined by
your underlying beliefs.
action is what you do, how you move and how you implement the ideas.
It is the
implementation of the ideas that bring them into your physical reality. You
exist on a simultaneous and infinite number of levels and what you are choosing
to explore now is the physical existence. It is the actions that you perform
that is the ultimate physical manifestation of your emotions, beliefs and thoughts.
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
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